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No, the splitting of atoms is nuclear fission.

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Q: Is splitting of atoms a form of nuclear decay?
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Is fusion nuclear decay or nuclear synthesis?

Fusion is nuclear synthesis, combining atoms of lesser mass into atoms of greater mass. Decay is reducing the mass of larger (unstable) atoms to form atoms of lesser mass.

Is atoms splitting a form of nuclear energy?

Yes it is called nuclear fission and it does form energy. Hence the radioactive bombs.

When the atoms of one element break down to form another atom?

nuclear decay

What is nuclear energy like?

Nuclear energy is a powerful form of energy produced by converting matter into energy splitting the nuclei of atoms. It is used to produce electricity.

Can splitting atoms in controlled environment propel something to light speed?

Nothing with mass can travel at the speed of light, though it can get close. Nuclear fission (the splitting of atoms) does generate electromagnetic radiation which travels at the speed of light, but light is a form of electromagnetic radiation anyway.

Can you site examples of nuclear change?

* formation of rutherfordium * fusing of atoms under intense heat and pressure inside a star * radioactive decay of unstable atoms to form new elements * breaking apart of large, unstable atoms in a fission bomb * cosmic rays * nuclear fission and nuclear fusion

Is hydrogen hydrogen helium alpha decay?

No. Hydrogen atoms combining to form helium is nuclear fusion. Alpha decay is a process whereby a large atomic nucleus ejects a helium nucleus.

Explain the followings Atomic number Mass number Nuclear isotopes Nuclear forces Nuclear half lifetime Nuclear binding energy Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion?

Atomic number: the number of protons in an atom of the element Mass number: the number of protons plus the number of neutrons Isotopes: Atoms of the same element (with the same number of protons) but with different numbers of neutrons (different mass numbers) Nuclear half life: The time taken for half the atoms of a radioactive substance to decay Nuclear fission: The splitting of the nucleus of a radioactive ion to form two daughter nuclei and release energy Nuclear fusion: The joining of the nuclei of two or more atoms to form one larger atom, releasing a lot of energy.

A nuclear reaction in which the nuclei of atoms join together is called nuclear fission.true or false?

False. Combining nuclei to form a new nucleus is called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the splitting of an atomic nucleus.

What form of nuclear energy splits a nucleus?

Splitting an atom is Fission.

Uranium slowly decay or dissolve to form?

Uranium slowly decay to form the stable nucleus of Lead after a series of nuclear reactions.

Can atoms be divided by chemical reaction?

No, this would be contrary to the definition of an ordinary chemical reaction.