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No, the A is not the same as B sharp. B sharp would be the C note since there are no music notes between B and C. The C note would only be called a "B sharp" if C sharp is used in a key, since proper music note naming only allows for one note of each base name ("accidental" notes excluded). So rather than have two types of C notes, you would have a type of B note and a type of C note.

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Q: Is the A note a B sharp?
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What is the same note as a sharp?

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What note sounds like A sharp?

B flat

Which note is located a half step above A sharp?

B (B natural).

What are the notes for the c sharp harmonic scale?

C sharp, D sharp, E natural, F sharp, G sharp, A natural, B sharp & C sharp We call the note C "B sharp" to avoid using the same letter name twice. If we used the note name "C" we would have 2 C-notes and no B-notes in the scale!

Wheer is A sharp on the saxophone?

an a sharp is a b flat and that is holding down the C note the B note and the third key near your right hand that looks like a rectangle

What are the two names of the black note that is found between A and B?

A sharp and B flat.

How do you finger A sharp on a trumpet?

On a b-flat trumpet, A sharp is played with the first valve, same same as B flat.

Is there a h note?

No. There are a (plus a flat and a sharp), b (plus b flat and b sharp), c (flat and sharp), d (flat and sharp), e (flat and sharp), f (flat and sharp), and g (flat and sharp). That makes a, b, c, d, e, f, g Plus the flat and sharp for each, making 21 notes of the scale.

What note is a half step below B?

F sharp

What is the first note played in the flight of the bumblebee by the french horn?

"B" Sharp

Which note is a half step above an A?

A sharp, also known as B flat.

What is the D sharp major scale?

Technically speaking, D sharp major is: D#, E#, F* (F double Sharp,) G#, A#, B#, C* (C double sharp) D#. ***note: a double sharp (*) means that the note sounds a whole step above the principal note. For example: F*=G.