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Q: Is the harpsichord string
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Why is a harpsichord considered a string instrument and not a percussion instrument?

A string in a harpsichord is plucked by a plectrum, not unlike a guitar pick.

The harpsichord produces sound when?

A harpsichord produces a sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed down.

What musical group does the Harpsichord belong to?

Like the piano, the Harpsichord is a percussion instrument because the sound is produced by striking.

What are other string instruments?

Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Guitar, Mandolin, Harpsichord, Harp.

How is the harpsichord different to the piano?

A harpsichord produces sound by plucking a string when a key is pressed. On a grand piano, the sound is made by striking the strings with a felt covered wooden hammer.

Is the harpsichord used in Vivaldies four seasons?

Yes it is, in addition to the regular Baroque string quartet. So in all, The Four Seasons uses two violins, viola, cello, and harpsichord.

What string instrument does not look like a string instrument?

Piano (uses hammers to strike the strings). Harpsichord (uses mechanisms to pluck the strings)

What stringed instrument has the most strings?

Harpsichord A standard Harpsichord has 2 strings per note and typically has 5 octaves per manual (keyboard). This would be 120 strings. Some Harpsichords have 2 manuals (keyboards) so their string complement would be double that; or 240 strings. Even a smaller Harpsichord (one with 4 octaves) surpasses the number of (88) strings in a piano.

What string instruments looks and plays like a piano but it is not a piano?

The harpsichord, clavichord and clavier are three such instruments.

What was Franz Joesph Haydns favorite instrument?

Haydn played the harpsichord and the violin.

Is the clavichord the same as the harpsichord?

Yes, but only to the extent of being stringed keyboard instruments. They differ considerably so sound very different, as the piano's action is percussive whilst the harpsichord plucks the strings. The harpsichord was invented before the piano.

What is the origin of the word harpsichord?

The origin of the word in a little obscure, there is a Latin word Harpichordium derived from Harpa meaning harp and chordium meaning string.