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No. This only relates to the use of a cell phone while driving.

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Q: Is traffic violation 23123a a moving violation?
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What is the point violation for California violation 23123a?

Cell Phone use while driving. Just got the ticket in the mail today 240 bucks.

How many points for 23123a violation in Ca?

About $140-175 depending on your record and court fees in your county.

How much would it cost in Wisconsin for your speeding ticket to be dropped from a moving violation to a non-moving violation?

Depends on the state traffic laws. And probbly if it was on an interstate or residential roadway.

How much is the fine for violation 23123a?

A friend of mine got a ticket for using his mobile while driving and the notice just came today showing $139.00 for this violation.

Is obstruction of traffic a moving violation in New Jersey?

yes, according to group at stanford:

Does seat belt ticket raise insurance rates?

In Canada it does not because it is not a moving traffic violation.

Is a tint violation a moving violation in California?

No its not a moving violation. Moving violations are a kind of violation that you get when your vehicle is moving.

Failure to obey traffic sign in California?

Failure to obey a traffic control device is generally considered a moving violation. This type of violation can cause you to incur both fines and points on your license.

Can you attend traffic school for citation for driving solo in carpool lane in California?

YES.....the carpool ticket is considered a regular moving violation like a speeding ticket of any other moving violation.

Can police arrest for a non serious traffic violation?

What is your definition of "non-serious?" The answer to the question is yes. A traffic violation is a misdemeanor offense for which the officer, in their judgement, can make a summary arrest - IF it occurred in his presence..... and most moving traffic violations DO occur in the officers presence.

Do you have to do traffic school for an illegal 'U' turn?

Since it is a moving violation, and your desire to have the points removed from your driving record, then traffic school is the way to go. Otherwise, that violation will stick on your permanent driving record for 39 months.

Would 'failure to obey' sign traffic citation raise your California insurance rates?

yes. it is a moving violation.