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To escape and fre the memories

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Q: Jonas and the Elder have a plan. What is the plan?
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What words describe how Jonas walks to the chief elder?

Jonas walks confidently and purposefully towards the chief elder, his posture upright and his movements deliberate.

What job does The Giver give to Jonas?

The Chief Elder gave Jonas the Assignment of Receiver of Memory

Why had the chief elder skipped Jonas in the ceremony of twelves?

The chief elder skipped Jonas due to the fact that later in the story he becomes receiver, the most important job in the community.

Who is elder in the Jonas brothers?

Kevin Kevin Jonas. His full name is Paul Kevin Jonas II. XD Joe Jonas' older brother is Paul Kevin Jonas 2nd

Why do Jonas and the audience feel ill at ease at the start of chaper 8?

Because the Chief Elder did not tell what Jonas's assignment will be.

What is the chief elder unable to prepare Jonas for the pain he will experience?

The chief elder is unable to prepare Jonas for the emotional pain he will experience because she has not experienced the depth of emotion and connection that Jonas will feel through his training as the Receiver of Memory. She does not fully understand the impact of memories and emotions on an individual's psyche.

Why had the chief elder skip Jonas in the ceremony of twelve?

The Chief Elder skipped Jonas in the Ceremony of Twelve because she saw potential in him to become the next Receiver of Memory, a highly honored and important role in their community. She believed he possessed unique qualities that qualified him for this responsibility.

Why is Jonas upset when he is passed over by chief elder?


Why does the Chief Elder apoligize to the country the giver?

she skipped jonas when she was reading off assignments

Why the chief elder gave the society an apology?

For making a mistake and skipping Jonas at the Ceremony of Twelve. She also apologized for expressing Jonas with embarrassment and singling him out.

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What qualities does the chief elder explain Jonas will need?

The chief elder explains that Jonas will need intelligence, courage, wisdom, and the capacity to see beyond. These qualities are essential for him to carry out his role as the Receiver of Memory and serve the community effectively.