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Depends how high and hard you crank up the electric piano. Also depends on what kind of pianos they are. But acoustically a normal piano will have the same volume if not more than an electric one.

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Q: Loudest out of a piano or a electric piano?
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Is there such thing as an electric piano?

Yes. An Electric Piano; there is such a thing.

What are the 4 dynamics of music loudest to softest?

Dynamics tell you how loud or how soft to play. There is forte, piano, fortissimo, pianissimo, mezzo forte, and mezzo piano.

What is the different between with piano and keyboard?

A keyboard is electric A piano is non electric

What does an electric piano look like?

um...look up electric piano on google...

Is piano louder than forte?

Piano means soft and Forte means loud, so no. In order from softest to loudest, it goes pianisisimo, pianisimo, piano, mezzo piano, mezzo forte, forte, fortisimo, and fortisisimo.

How do you play an electric piano?

An electric piano is played the same way a regular piano is played only you do not have to use as much pressure when hitting the keys. You have more options for creating different sounds with an electric piano.

Who plays an electric piano?

an electric pianist

Is there a difference in an electric keyboard and a keyboard?

Electric keyboard usually refers to the keyboard of an electric piano. "Keyboard" is a generic word that can refer to an electric piano, an acoustic piano, a typerwriter keyboard, a computer keyboard, etc.

How are the electric piano and the normal piano alike?

They both sound like a piano.

Is an electric piano like an electric keyboard?


How would you compare an electric piano against a standard piano?

A standard piano's keys are much more harder but they are better for your fingers. an electric piano's keys are softer and you can also change the modes and tunes/keys of the piano.

Is mezzo piano less than piano?

no, in order it goes from quietest to loudest : pianissimo (pp) very quiet piano (p) quiet mezzo piano (mp) medium quiet mezzo forte (mf) loud forte (f) very loud