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None, because the first and last note have to be the same.

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Q: On the piano how many scales can you make if the first note has to be C or C sharp and the second note has to be Db D or Dsharp the third note has to be Eb or E ect to the last note has to be Bb or B?
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What are the piano scales of E minor?

There can be E natural, harmonic or melodic minor. E natural minor: E Fsharp G A B C D E. E harmonic minor: E Fsharp G A B C Dsharp E. E melodic minor: E Fsharp G A B Csharp Dsharp E Dnatural Cnatural B A G Fsharp E.

How do you convert piano scales to saxophone?

The notes for scales on the piano are the exact same notes for corresponding scales on the saxophone. However, as the alto saxophone is in Eb and the tenor saxophone is in Bb, you will have to account for these differences by raising the piano notes by a minor third or lowering the piano notes by a whole step, respectively.

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The phrygian scales have a menacing ring to them.

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well first you need to have a piano second look it up ever heard of it

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You only have to bring your piano pieces book not your scales or sight reading.

Do you lift your wrist or use it when playing piano scales?

no keep your wrist level and balanced while playing your scales...its good and common practice to not raise your wrists while playing the piano

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The first A is A1 the second A is A2 etc..

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first of all, what do u stop him from? and second, why would he be under ur piano??????

What is the Second note on musical scale?

You can have a musical scale starting anywhere you like. On the piano, the simplest scale is C major, in which the second note is D. In all major and minor scales, you can find the second note by moving up two semitones from the first note (C-C#-D or G-G#-A)

Why is practicing piano scales Arpeggios Cadences important?

The technical exercises are important in piano studying, because it strengthens the fingers, gives the fingers flexibility, and adds to your knowledge of the piano. The scales, etc... can be used as a warm-up routine. Studying the basics will help you understand the theory of the piano, and will aid you in mastering the circle of keys.

Which hand do you use when doing minor scales in piano?

Either hand will work.

What are the three types of minor scales for piano?

Natural minor, harmonic minor, and melodic minor