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Whichever you like, I doubt a fictional Jesus is going to come back and smite you.

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Q: Should you eat hot cross buns on Good Friday or Easter Sunday?
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When and where did Easter FIRST become associated wirh Christianity?

Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday and reserected on Saturday midnight - Sunday morning, Easter Sunday

Why do people have good Friday Easter Sunday and monday but no Easter Saturday?

For Christians there is an Easter Saturday although it is not as dramatic as Sunday or Friday. Friday is when Jesus died on the cross. Saturday is when Jesus was placed in the tomb and Sunday is when Jesus resurrected and went back to Heaven.

Why do we have hot cross buns?

We have hot cross bun because Easter is when Jesus died on the cross. On hot cross buns that is what the cross in the middle is for. Jesus give up his life on Good Friday and rose from the dead on Easter Sunday for all of humanity.

What day does the author believe Jesus was crucified?

It is very clear that Jesus was crucified on the cross and the day was Friday, it is called Good friday because of it. And he arose on the third day which is Easter Sunday.

If Jesus he didn't die what is he doing in the heaven?

Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday and was entombed. HE rose from the dead on Easter Sunday and ascended to Heaven on Pentecost.

What Sunday did Jesus die on the cross?

Jesus died on Friday and not on a Sunday.

How many days from Resurrection until Pentecostal Sunday?

Easter Sunday celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus. The Celebration of Easter begins on "Good Friday" which commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus on the Cross. The Day of Pentecost or "Pentecostal Sunday" is celebrated 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus (or Easter Sunday) Each year, Pentecost Sunday comes 50 days after Easter Sunday, hence its name. The Greek word for 50 is pentecost. The beginning of Pentecost is recorded in Acts 2:1-2.

Why is the cross draped with cloth for Easter?

There are three different stages of the cross when it is draped with cloth during the Easter season. When draped with a purple cloth, it represents Lenten Season. When the cross is draped with a white cloth it represents Resurrection Sunday Morning or Easter Sunday. The third cloth is of black and represents Good Friday.

When do baptist drape the cross with purple?

Only during the 40 days of Lent. It should change to black on good Friday then change it to white on Easter Day and then it remains for the great 50 days of Easter till the Sunday of Pentecost which then changed to red for that one day. It is not correct to display a draped cross any other time.

What does the dove have to do with Easter?

If your religious Jesus was baptised and the Holy Spirit came down in the form of a white dove to land on his shoulder. This ties into Jesus being crucified on the cross on Good Friday and rising from the dead on Easter Sunday.

What does a christian eat on Easter Sunday?

Christians may eat a variety of traditional dishes on Easter Sunday, depending on their cultural and personal preferences. Some common foods include roast lamb, ham, hot cross buns, and Easter eggs. Many families also prepare a special feast to celebrate the holiday.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday has a couple of nicknames. They are: Holy Friday and Great Friday. It is a Christian Holiday. It is celebrated for the cemmomorates the crusification and the death of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. People respect it by offering prayers and vigil services, fasting, aimsgiving, and some family gatherings. Good Friday is related to Passover, Christmas, Septuagasima, Quinquagasima, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and Holy Saturday.Good Friday is also known as holy Friday.