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The correct musical term for decreasing the tempo is ritardando.

I got this exact question on my music appreciation class and got it correct.

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Q: The correct musical term for 'decreasing the tempo' is?
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What is the musical term for slow down tempo?

The terms "ritardando" and "rallentando" are both used to signify a gradually decreasing tempo.

Musical term meaning to the slow tempo?

The musical term that means to slow tempo is ritardando. If you'd like to slow the tempo very quickly you'd call it a molto ritardando.

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"Largo" is a slow, plodding, heavy tempo - like the marching of elephants.

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The tempo marking, usually located near the top of the music composition, determines how many beats pre minute the pace of the song should be played at. You should use a metronome to determine this.

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Accelerando is a musical term that instructs the musician to increase in tempo.

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What does ritarando mean?

Ritardando is a musical term meaning to gradually slow down in tempo.