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what is the Instrument suling's history

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Q: The gamelan instrument suling what is its history?
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Related questions

What country does the instrument suling come from?

Indonesia, notably on Java and Bali where it is used in the Gamelan orchestra.

What is the meaning of suling instrument?

A suling is a traditional Indonesian flute made of bamboo. It is commonly used in traditional Indonesian music and often played in ensembles or solo performances. The suling produces a melodious sound and is popular in gamelan music.

What is the meaning of suling babarak instruments?

The meaning of suling babarak instrument is a particular instrument from Bali. It is a flute type instrument that is typically made from bamboo.

How do you pronounce kusyapiq?

A suling or Serulingis an Indonesian bamboo ring flute. It is used in gamelan ensembles.

What is a suling wind instrument?

It is an Indonesian musical instrument similar to a flute.

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What is the musical instrument for Singapore?

An Angklung, a Kolitang, and a gamelan.

Where would Gamelan be played?

The Gamelan, which is a collection of percussion and stringed instruments played as one large instrument, is native to the country of Indonesia.

Where would the gamelan be performed?

The Gamelan, which is a collection of percussion and stringed instruments played as one large instrument, is native to the country of Indonesia.

What has the author Martopangrawit written?

Martopangrawit has written: 'Catatan pengetahuan karawitan' -- subject(s): Gamelan, History and criticism, Music 'Pengetahuan karawitan' -- subject(s): Music, Gamelan, History and criticism, Gamelan music

How do you play gamelan?

you play by using percussion damping stopping the instrument from going on and on and on.

What has the author Suling Zhang written?

Suling Zhang has written: 'Ge ming yu xian zhi' -- subject(s): Communists, Zhongguo gong chan dang, Feminists, History, Biography, Women