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Q: The term for initial orchestral melody in a concerto grosso that returns from time to time is?
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What has the author Georg MUFFAT written?

Georg MUFFAT has written: 'Concerto Grosso in G major ; Concerto Grosso in E minor ; Concerto Grosso in G major ; Florilegium Primum'

What is a musical form that utilizes multiple soloists?

It undoubtedly is a "concerto" (an Italian noun, that is used worldwide for classical music or similar), different of "concert" noun in English, which nowadays means a performance of any style.

What Is the style period of concerto grosso?


What is the musical term for solo?

A Solo Concerto is a concerto i which a single soloist is accompanied by an orchestra. It is the most frequent type of concerto. It originated in the Baroque Period (approx. 1600 - 1750) as an alternative to the traditional Concertino in a concerto grosso. Concerto = an instrumental work that maintains contrast between an orchestral ensemble and a smaller group or a solo instrument, or among various groups of an undivided orchestra. (fast-slow-fast) three movements. Concertino = The group of solo instruments in a concerto grosso. Concerto Grosso = a musical form, common in the Baroque period, in which contrasting sections are played by full orchestra and by a small group of soloists. Hope that helps :)

What are concerto grosso's tempos?


What kind of concerto is a type of concerto for a group of soloists rather than just one?


A concerto grosso is a type of solo concerto?


A concerto grosso is a concerto for a group of soloists rather than one?

You are correct. This technique was used more commonly in the baroque era, employing the concept of terraced dynamics. The difference is often one instrument per part versus a full section.True (for apex

What do you call a musical form that utilizes multiple soloist?

Concerto Grosso

What is a Ripieno?

A ripieno is the part of a concerto grosso in which the ensemble plays simultaneously.

Is Vivaldi's Spring an example of a concerto grosso?

False. Vivaldi's Spring is an example of a Baroque solo concerto.

The principal and often recurring theme of a concerto grosso movement is called the?
