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water fleas jellyfish arrowworms

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Q: Three consumers of barnacle larvae in this food web?
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When do you feed as a primary consumer?

Within an ecological food chain, consumers are categorized into three groups: primary consumers, secondary consumers, and the tertiary consumers.

What are the three types of consumers from the food chain?


Are worm producer consumer or decomposer?

Earthworms are both decomposers and consumers. Most other worms are either larvae and are only called worms, while worms like intestinal worms feed off of your food so they are probably consumers.

What level consumer is a platypus?

Yes. A platypus is a secondary consumer. Secondary consumers are animals that eat primary consumers, and although platypuses do not eat fish, they do eat other primary consumers such as crustaceans, insect larvae and annelid worms.

How does producers help us?

Producers, consumers, and decomposers are three categories on the food chain. Producers help us because they supply the food that the consumers eat. (Humans are consumers.) Producers are plants. When you eat an apple, (a producer) it is producing energy and food for you so it is helping you.

What is a third consumer in a food web?

A secondary consumer in a food web is the carnivorous or omnivorous animal that feeds on the primary consumer, which is the organism (normally a plant) that eats the producer (normally a plant).

Why is the relationship between the Grey whale and barnacles an example of of commensalism?

The barnacle gets free food and a free ride and the whale is not harmed by the barnacle but does not benefit ether from the relationship. therefore the relationship between the Grey Whale and the barnacle is a perfect example of commensalism.

What are the three levels of consumers?

In the food web, three levels of consumers are primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers. Primary consumers are herbivores like grasshoppers. Secondary consumers are carnivores and consume primary consumers. An example of a secondary consumer that eats a grasshopper is a toad. Similarly, a snake, which is a tertiary consumer, will eat a secondary consumer like a toad.

Why is the relationship between the grey whale and barnacles an example of commensalism?

The barnacle gets free food and a free ride and the whale is not harmed by the barnacle but does not benefit ether from the relationship. therefore the relationship between the Grey Whale and the barnacle is a perfect example of commensalism.

What is a nightingales favorite food?

the larvae of insects.

What do you have to feed your salamander larvae?

food eg:fruit

What does Mulberries mean?

food for silkworm larvae