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Q: Twelve highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion?
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How do you make a bagpipe on axlemy?

a pouch and a flute

WHAT timbre is a bagpipe?

The wood used to make the Highland Bagpipe is African Blackwood. There are some made out of other woods but I dont know any piper who plays with anything other than Blackwood. I hope this answers your question. kev turner bagpipe player UK I do hope i understood the question correctly

Where is the location on the bagpipe of the make and model?

Hi. Not all bagpipes have a makers mark on them. Try asking the National Piping center in scotland. they are on the internet and will be better at answering to question as they are specialists

Name for bagpipe bellows?

Bagpipe bellows are called bellows - all bagpipes have a bag and at least one or more pipes that produce a melody (usually called a chanter) and usually a drone. They can be further classified according to how air is supplied to the bag. "Mouth-blown" (like the most common form of the instrument, the Great Highland Bagpipe of Scotland) means air is supplied to the bag directly from the player's lungs by means of a blow pipe. "Bellows-blown" (like the Irish uillean bagpipes or Scottish small'pipes) means the air is supplied to the bag by means of a bellows (very similar to a fireplace bellows) which the 'piper straps under one elbow- the 'piper pumps air from the intake valve on top of the bellows into the bellows which then pushes it thru a blowpipe on the other side which is attached to the bag by means of a wooden "stock" or connector. The operation of the bellows has nothing to do with the music, it's just like breathing. Whether a bagpipe is mouth-blown or bellows-blown doesn't influence what the instrument sounds like- the dimensions of the chanter and drones, materials used to make the instrument and the strength and design of the reeds determine that.

What country is known for playing bagpipes?

Bagpipes are used in many countries. Of course Scotland and Ireland come to mind right away. The French regions of Britanny plays the Biniou, Auvergne and Limousin the Chabrette with some of their music going back to the middlage. The French Navy has two Pipe and Drums band called Bagad using the Britanny version of the bag pipe. Bagpipe can be heard in Spain as well. Most of the military of the countries of the British Empire have Pipe and Drum Bands ( Nepal, India, Pakistan). Canada and Australia have a strong bagpipe tradition as does a lot of Fire Departments and Police Department in the US. All bag pipes are not of the same shape. Some are actually using a huge bag made of the sking of an entire sheep. Some do not rely of the breath of the piper but a bellow activated either by the arm of the player or his foot. Some countries of the Middle East have bagpipes in their traditional instruments.