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No, they were not. The very, very first punk bands (what some people call "proto-punk") were the Stooges and the MC5 from Detroit.

The first punk scene got started in New York City. The name "punk" was coined in New York City by writer Legs McNeil. He and a whole bunch of other artists and musicians were hanging out at the nightclubs CBGB's and Max Kansas City. These two clubs became the epicenter of the first punk scene. CBGB's and Max's were basically the petri dishes in which punk rock formed and grew. Although the very, very first punk bands were from Detroit, punk first became a musical movement in New York City.

The Ramones were not the first punk band from New York City, either. The New York Dolls were playing together about 2 to 3 years or so before the Ramones formed. The New York Dolls would probably most accurately be called the first New York punk band.

Some people call the Velvet Underground the first New York punk band. However, Lou Reed (singer/songwriter for the Velvet Underground) has consistently denied that his band was a punk band.

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Q: Was The Ramones the first punk band made?
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The Ramones were an American rock band that formed in Forest Hills, Queens, New York in 1974, often cited as the first punk rock group.

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First of all Fall out Boy is Not punk,sorry to burst your bubble so ultimately the ramones win =) Oh god NOT PUNK GO RAMONES I would love for Johnny to come back and see this. are you an idiot. fall out boy is not in the punk rock genre. the ramones yes. you need to research these kinds of things. ***Exactly. The Ramones are awesome and punk and FOB sucks and isn't punk. But my thing is...WHo cares what Johnny thinks anyway?