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Q: Was the first title of the National Anthem Defence of Fort M'Henry?
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Who sang national anthem first?

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Who composed national anthem first?

Marilyn Horne

In which language Indian National Anthem was written first?

The National Anthem of India was first written in Sanskritized Bengali originally.

When was the national anthem of Trinidad and tobago was sung for the first time?

The national anthem of Trinidad and Tobago was sung as such for the first time in 1962.

When did the national anthem played for the first time in Trinidad and tobago?

the first time anthem was played is August 31st 1962

Should the Canadian National Anthem be played at US motorsports events BEFORE the US National Anthem?

The National Anthem of the visiting country is ALWAYS played first as a common courtesy, the same goes when an American Team visits Canada, the American Anthem is ALWAYS played first, then the Anthem of the host country.

Why did francis put those words in the national anthem?

Key wrote the poem first, and they were later adapted into the national anthem.

When was the national anthem of canada first sung?

July 1st 1980, before that it was not our National Anthem but you would likely recognize it from 1908.

What was the US first national anthem?

oh colombia

How many stanzas are in the National Anthem of India?

You did not specify which national anthem you are referring to in your question. The number of stanzas in the national anthem differs from country to country.

Who wrote The Star-Spangled Banner what year was it written and when did it become the US National Anthem?

Francis Scott Key wrote a poem called "The Defence of Fort McHenry". Key witnessed the fort in Maryland being bombarded by the British during the War of 1812. In 1931, it was set to music and the first stanzas became the US National Anthem.

During Sporting Events that have different nations which National Anthem is played first?

I believe the visiting teams anthem is played first