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They do have a song that somehow tackles the assassination, and its title is "All For You Sophia", which is a B-side to their hit single, Take Me Out. It does not completely retell the whole story, it in fact, employs reiteration. It, however, makes mention of the important people and places, like Sophia (the Archduke's wife is actually Sofie, but the band decided to lengthen the name so that it would sound better), Gavrilo Princip, their "chauffeur" Franz Urban, and Appel Quay. :)

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Q: What Franz Ferdinand band song is about the actual death of archduke Ferdinand?
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The assignation Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was the spark of WWI. He, and his wife, were killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo (the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina).

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The death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austo-Hungary was the immediate cause of WW I, which in turn was a historical event of immense consequence, that changed the world forever. So this was a really big deal.

On what day in 1914 was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated in Sarajevo?

As the key event that prompted the outbreak of World War I, the 'assassination in Sarajevo' took place on June 28, 1914, and was followed days and weeks later by various declarations of war that soon led to the world-wide conflict. Killed in the attack was the Austro-Hungarian Empire's Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.

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