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Q: What animals glow under UV lights?
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Why do scorpions glow so much under UV lights?

They glow because of a chemical compound that forms after the scorpion molts. it is not known why, but it sure is cool!

Do any parts of the human body glow under UV?

The whites of the eyes and the bones of your body glow under a UV.

Can some minerals glow under ultraviolet light?

Yes. Only certain minerals will glow under ultraviolet light. First you have to have the uv light shining on it, then you have to turn the lights off and they will grow

How are UV Lights useful?

UV lights are used to reveal substances that our naked eye could not. There are some substances, such as fingerprints, fecal matter, and blood, that glow under UV light. Forensic scientests and detectives use this technology to help solve crimes.

How does UV light make your teeth glow white?

alright alright the answer is strobe lights

What is a UV reactive tongue piercing?

A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow ! A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow !

How are light useful?

UV lights are used to reveal substances that our naked eye could not. There are some substances, such as fingerprints, fecal matter, and blood, that glow under UV light. Forensic scientests and detectives use this technology to help solve crimes.

Why does detergent glow under a black light?

Because of the phosphates. The UV light causes things to phosphores.

Do plants grow better under UV lighting?

== == Several studies have found that UV lights are quite toxic to plants.

What chemical makes scorpions glow under UV light?

The reason why scorpions glow under black light or commonly known as ultra-violent light is because their bodies contain a chemical called phosphate which glows under it.

How are uv rays used in everyday life?

A few examples: -UV radiation from the Sun stimulates the production of vitamin D in your skin. -UV radiation from black lights are used in the theater to make some objects glow. -UV radiation is used to check for fake money in shops. (Paper money usually has some kind of security feature that lights up under UV light). -It is used to induce chemical reactions in various areas. -There are used in laser form to write to optical disks in computing. -There are used in certain medical procedures.

What are three minerals that glow in the dark?

i don't know the minerals but its called luminescence