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Piano Chords

Major Keys Relative Minor Keys


C major A minor

G major E minor

D major B minor

A major F# minor

E major C# minor

B major G# minor

F# major D# minor

C# major A# minor

F major D minor

Bb major G minor

Eb major C minor

Ab major F minor

Db major Bb minor

Gb major Eb minor

Cb major Ab minor

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What are the piano chords for Mary's boy child?

The piano chords for Mary's Boy Child depends on the key that it is played in. If it is played in key of Bb major the chords will all be in relation to the tonic key.

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"How do you download 214 piano chords for free?"

Where can you get piano chords for paraiso?

Piano chords can be found on most sites where it shows guitar chords. Please see the Related Link to view the chords for Paraiso.

Piano chords for ugoy ng duyan?

Actually, piano chords on sheets can be found at YouTube.

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You can see an Interactive Piano Tutorial & Chords for "Skyfall" by Adele at

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You can search online to find these piano chords. You will then be able to play them when you want.

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Could the piano play all chords?

No one knows but it is being reserched

What are the piano chords to the Vine Nicholas Megalis I have to pee?

The piano chords for the song I have to Pee by Vine Nicholas Megalis are not available.

What is the complete piano chords of love is all that matters?

Sang during the 1995 World Youth Conference in the Philippines.

How do you transfer guitar chords to music notes?

You can't just convert piano cords into guitar cords. First, they aren't called cords but strings and second you should buy separate strings for your guitar and not steal them from your neighbors/family's piano, you little hooligan. I'm sure you are going to deny having stolen any strings from the piano, but we all know You did it. Good luck with the chords.

Where can you find Love Is On Its Way piano sheet music?

Piano chords to the music are not yet available, however you can transfer the guitar chords. It worked for me.