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Nightwine, Youngblood, Fairchild, Thrushcross, Ravenscar Merryweather, Bellefleur, Morgenstern, Wayland, Lightwood, Aldertree, Penhallow, Greymark, Verlac, Herondale, Starkweather, Malachi, Cartwright, Hightower,Blackwell, Carstairs and Nightshade.

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Q: What are some Shadowhunter last names from the Mortal Instruments series?
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If this is for a book, I'd stay away from the names Jace and Caitlin simply because it sounds like Jace and Clary/Clarissa from the Mortal Instruments. Perhaps you could use James and Caitlin? Or something along those lines.

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How do you spell the names of instruments?

To spell the names of instruments, you can simply refer to a dictionary or use online resources that provide the correct spelling for various instruments. Additionally, you can also consult instrument-specific resources such as music books or websites dedicated to musical instruments.