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Q: What are some characteristics of Antonio Vivaldi's music?
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What is one of vivaldis pieces of music?

Some of Antonio Vivaldi's compositions are "Fall", "Winter", "Summer" and "Winter" they are all part of one huge composition called "The Four Seasons"

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What does characteristics of music involve?

There are so many characteristics that music involves. Some of the common ones include note, pitch ,tone, arrangement, harmony, melody and so many more.

What are some characteristics of classicism?

It is much clearer - every instrument is heard - then contemporary music.

What are some fun things to do in San Antonio?

The Riverwalk is always fun, and seeing the Missions is worth it. There are also some awsome clubs around with some great music, like the Mix night club, or Rosario's.

What is an element that has some characteristics of metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal?

Elements that have some characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal are called semimetals or metalloids.

What is an element that has some characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of an nonmetal?

Elements that have some characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal are called semimetals or metalloids.

What are some famous music composers that begin with the letter V?

Giuseppe Verdi is a famous Italian opera composer.

What are some fun things to do in San Antonio Texas?

The Riverwalk is always fun, and seeing the Missions is worth it. There are also some awsome clubs around with some great music, like the Mix night club, or Rosario's.

What are some characteristics of classical music tempo?

There are a lot of tempos. The slowest would be something like largo and the fastest would probably be pressestissimo.

What is an element that characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal?

Elements that have some characteristics of a metal and some characteristics of a nonmetal are called semimetals or metalloids.