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Q: What are some examples of consumers in a food chain?
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What are examples of primary consumer?

Primary consumers are animals that eat plants. They are the first consumers in the food chain, hence the title "primary" and are also called herbivores. Examples of primary consumers vary due to biome but common herbivores in the forest biome are rabbits, squirrels, deer, grasshoppers and some birds.

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What are some examples of consumers in science?

consumers take in food by eating producers or other consumers. Examples include foxes, elephants, sharks, humans, cows and venus fly traps

What does 'secondary consumers' mean?

Secondary consumers are organisms that feed on primary consumers (herbivores) in a food chain. They are carnivores or omnivores that obtain their energy by eating other animals. Examples include snakes, birds of prey, and some fish.

What is the food of mammals?

Different mammals eat different food. Mammals occupy varying places on a food chain. Some mammals are vegetarians, they are primary consumers. Some mammals are carnivores, they are higher level consumers. Some mammals are omnivores.

What are some consumers in a coastal water food chain?

some consumers in a coastal water food chain are: o Fish § Coral Reef Fish § Sharks § Eels o Marine mammals § Dolphins § Seals o Squid o Turtles o Shellfish

What is the marsh food chain?

The marsh food chain begins with the plants in the marsh. Primary consumers such as insects and some fish and birds eat the plants, then secondary consumers eat the primary consumers. These in turn are eaten by larger predators, such as birds of prey, alligators, and larger fish and turtles.

What are some tertiary consumers in the pacific ocean?

Some consumers in the marine biome is the Blue marlin, Clown Anemonefish, Porcupine fish, Smooth Hammerhead, Brown booby, and Hawksbill.

What are consumers in the food chain?

The consumers are organisms who consume/eat other organisms. The second, third and sometimes fourth trophic level.

What are some examples of minerals in the food chain?

The most common would be calcium, iron, and manganese.

What do you call a consumer who eats primary consumers?

A consumer who eats primary consumers is known as a secondary consumer. This means they are one step higher in the food chain and rely on consuming animals that feed on primary producers. Some examples of secondary consumers include carnivores like wolves and hawks.

What are some consumers in Antarctica?

The food chain in the Southern Ocean is a short food chain -- about seven layers. All animals that live in this geography survive and make their homes in ocean water. They do, however, breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators there. The Antarctic Krill, Euphasia supberba, form the base of this food chain, and all fish and sea mammals consume krill, and each other. The top of the food chain is the Orca Whale.