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I think you mean five.

Violin I,

Violin II,

Viola (Violin III)


Double Bass.

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Q: What are the 6 string instruments in the orchestra?
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Related questions

What are the orchestra's instruments?

in a string orchestra the instruments are: Bass Violin Viola Cello.

How many string instruments in an orchestra?


What is a string section in music?

The string section in a piece of music is the melody played by string instruments such as the violin, cello or viola. The string section in an orchestra is the string instruments in the orchestra, again the violin, cello and viola.

What instruments from the string family have solo performances in the orchestra?


Is a zither a string instruments?

It depends on the orchestra. Symphony orchestra- no. Ethnic orchestra- might be.

What kind of orchestra does not use wind instruments?

Generally, this is called a "string orchestra" although it could be anything.

What is the group of instruments referred to as the backbone of the orchestra?

i thonk its the string section, probably the cellos

What are string instruments?

String instruments are instruments that have strings on them, eg. Guitar or Violin.

What families of instruments found in a modern orchestra?

String , woodwinds, brass and percussion :)

What are four string family instruments?

The four stringed instruments in an orchestra: the violin, the viola, the cello, and the double bass.

How many different kinds of orchestras are there?

I can think of: - Typical orchestra - All the instruments. - String Orchestra - Only withe the string section - Chamber Orchestra - Small baroque orchestra with only a few players to each part Hope this Helps

Who is an ochistra?

Phonic spelling of orchestra. A symphony orchestra is a large instrumental group consisting of string, brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. A chamber orchestra is half the size but contains the same 4 types of instruments.