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There is no difference. Microwaves are radio waves

with any frequency above 3 GHz.

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Q: What are the differences between radio waves and micro waves?
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Why are micro waves used in RADAR?

Microwaves are used in RADAR systems because they have the right frequency range to provide good resolution for detecting objects and tracking their movement accurately. Microwaves are also less affected by weather conditions compared to other frequencies, making them more reliable for long-range detection. Additionally, microwaves can penetrate clouds, smoke, and dust, allowing for effective surveillance in various weather conditions.

Do micro waves move faster than the radio waves?

Microwaves ARE radio waves, and they move with the same speed as all other electromagnetic waves.

Which radiation is longer micro waves and radio waves?

"Microwave" IS radio waves. They're called microwaveswhen their frequency is 3 GHz or higher.

Why micro waves are called waves but not rays?

Light "rays" are both waves and particles, that is the nature of light. Thus Micro Waves is the name for a type of light that is in essence just the same as visible light, radio waves, heat and X rays.

Types of unguided media?

There are different types of unguided media. Some of them include radio waves, infrared waves and micro waves. This is commonly referred to wireless media.

How does a microwave produce micro waves?

Same way a radio transmitter produces radio waves. The device is called a magnetron, which is sometimes used as a pars pro toto for the whole microwave oven.

What has the longest wave length infrared radiation radio wave ultra violet radiation visible light micro waves gamma radiation or x rays?

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths.

What is micro wave?

the microwave is a wavelength of light beyond the human visible spectrum. the full spectrum of light as known by current science from smallest wavelength to longest is; y rays, x rays, UV (ultraviolet), the visible spectrum, infra red, micro waves, radio waves (including FM and AM frequencies), and long radio waves so a microwave is a wavelength of light longer then infra red, and shorter then radio waves.

How does a micro wave works?

It is actually a radio (radar) transmitter. The radio waves cause moisture in the food to vibrate rapidly, heating the food. The radio waves are kept inside the metal cabinet, since they canno travel through metal.

What is the difference between a radio telescope and a light telescope?

radio telescope detects radio waves and a light telescope views light waves.

What is electormagnetic waves?

The term is "electromagnetic waves". Such waves are variations in the electric and magnetic field of space, which propagate as a wave, at the speed of light. They include light itself, x-rays, radio waves, and others - really, the ONLY difference between the different types of electromagnetic waves are the differences in frequency, and the related differences in wavelength and energy per photon. (The photon is the individual particle of such a wave.)