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Q: What are the disadvantages of MAGNETIC DRUM MEMORY?
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What stores information on magnetic cylinders?

Magnetic drum memory or magnetic drum storage, a type of computer memory/storage that is now long obsolete.

Which magnetic memory has the fastest access time?


What was full name RAM?

Random Access Memory, as verses Sequential Access Memory (delay lines, magnetic tape, magnetic drum, magnetic disk, etc.)

What did the second generation computers use for memory?

Most used ferrite core magnetic memory, but some other memory technologies also used were:plated wire magnetic memorythin-film magnetic memoryrotating magnetic drum or disk memorymagnetostrictive wire delayline memoryetc.

What is a computer memory chip and its function?

A computer memory chip is the device that replaced (in the early 1970s) the magnetic core memory in computers (that had been used since the early 1950s). Magnetic core memory replaced a variety of other forms of memory (e.g. Williams tube CRT memory, selectron tube memory, flood gun CRT memory, mercury delay line memory, magnetostrictive delay line memory, rotating magnetic drum memory, long shift register memory) used by earlier computers. Computer memory (of any type) serves the function of storing instructions and data inside the computer that it will need frequent and rapid access to.

What is a magnetic drum calculator?

The magnetic drum calculator was the first general purpose computer developed in 1953. It is also called The IBM 650.

Distinguish between a Magnetic Core Memory and a Semiconductor Memory?


What is the purpose of memory drum in psychology?

The memory drum was a standard method for presenting paired associate and serial syllable lists to participant of psychological studies of memory. A memory drum is a piece of laboratory apparatus used to present stimuli in a controlled manner in memory experiments before the advent of computers. Items to be learnt appeared one at a time in the aperture of the drum as it was rotated, either by the experimenter or laterly by timed inputs from a motor.

What are the disadvantages of memory segmentation in 8086?

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What memory medium is not used as a main memory system?

magnetic tape

How many types of storage loops exits in magnetic bubble memory?

There are two types of storage loops exits in magnetic bubble memory.

Example of a dynamic memory unit?

Some examples of dynamic units are magnetic disks, magnetic drums, and magnetic tapes