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Q: What are the functions of a medullary ray in a tree?
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What rhymes with medullary?

There are no perfect rhymes for the word medullary.

Does bone tissue function as a fat storage area?

The yellow marrow in the medullary cavity in long bones functions as a fat storage area.

What membrane lines lines the medullary cavity?

The endosteum lines the medullary cavity.

List five different effects produced by these medullary hormones?

what are the medullary hormones You can't answer a question with a question...the medullary hormones (adrenal) they are referring to are epinephrine and norepinephrine.

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Who is the author of the Halloween tree?

Ray Bradbury wrote The Halloween Tree.

What is a medullary vital center?

Which of the following is not a medullary vital center?A)blood pressureB)cardiacC)vasomotorD)respiratoryblood pressure

What is ray parenchyma?

Ray parenchyma are a mass tissue arranged axially in the stem of a tree.

What is medullary?

Medullary (myelin)- sheath is the covering of nerve fibres. It insulates the nerve fibre (axon) and prevents leakage of ions.

Meaning of medullary?

The word medullary refers to a part of the body or an organ that resembles bone marrow, such as dorsally located tissue.

What is the function of the medullary cavity?

The medullary cavity is the central cavity of bone shafts. This is where red and yellow bone marrow are stored. The medullary cavity is also involved in the formation of red and white blood cells.

What is the medullary cavity lined with?
