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The lead characters are: Elle (star of show), Margrot serina kate and Pilar (Elles best friends), Emmet Forest (A guy who help Elle a lot in her life), Paulette (The AMZING hair styliest), Professer Callahan (The main professor), Warner (the man who Elle is origanly in love with), VIVIENNE (the girl who 'steals' Warner from Elle), and the soritary girls!

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Q: What are the lead characters in Legally Blonde musical?
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What is Legally Blonde the musical?

A musical version of the popular movie made for Broadway. It was shown on MTV last year and there is currently a reality show being made to replace the lead actress, Laura Bell Bundy.

Is Elle Woods real?

Elle Woods is a fictonial character who is the lead protagonist of most media revolving around the legally blonduniverse. The character originated in the 2001 novel, Legally Blonde, by Amanda Brown.

What actress stars in Legally Blonde?

Laura Bell Bundy was the original Elle Woods in Legally Blonde the musical but there are several others like Bailey Hanks who also played Elle Woods in smaller Broadway productions. Sheridan Smith played Elle in the London cast Lucy Durack played Elle in the original Australian tour. Hope this helps!

Is their going to be a High School Musical?

The newest in the high school musical series is the movie, "Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure" which is about what happens to one of the lead characters, Sharpay, after graduating from high school.

Is ZacVennessa Both going to be in high school musical 3?

Of course! They're the lead characters! But in HSM 4, there will be a whole new cast!

What work did Jill Halfpenny get after her stint on Strictly Come Dancing?

After Strictly Come Dancing, Jill Halfpenny has been in mostly theatre roles. She starred as Roxie Hart in Chicago, the lead in Legally Blonde and has just opened as the lead in Abigail's Party.

Who was the lead in Oklahoma the musical?

The leads in Oklahoma! Are Curly and Laurie. The supporting roles are Aunt Eller, Ado Annie, and Will Parker. Secondary characters are Ali Hakim and Gertie Cummings.

What band had a black lead singer with blonde hair?

no doubt

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An "understudy."

What show was Cody hoeppner the lead in?

Aladdin the musical

What happens when lead 2 nitrate is mixed with H2SO4?

you get a baby with blonde hair and blue eyes

Is nickelback bald?

If you're talking about Chad Kroeger, the group's lead singer, then no; he has blonde dreads.