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Either rubber or wooden mallets can be used. The rubber mallets produce a softer attack than wooden mallets. Yarn mallets tend to be used on the vibraphone, and give an even softer attack.

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in general, they're just called mallets

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Q: What are the mallets names that are used to hit the xylophone?
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What type of instrument is the xylephone?

The Xylophone a percussion instrument that has different bars that you hit with mallets

How was the xylophone used and who played it?

hit it with a hard wooden stick

What instrument uses and mallets to produce sound?

The xylophone and the marimba are just two of several percussion musical instruments struck by mallets. A line of bells in an orchestra is also hit with a mallet. The term mallet to produce sound, is not like the heavy wooden or rubber malletused to drive tent pegs into the ground when camping.

How is a xylophones played?

you hit the notes with the mallets

What is the difference between a xylophone and a marimba?

While they are both percussion instruments, the piano has keys that you hit with your fingers attached to hammers which hit strings inside the piano, and the xylophone has different pitched metal or wooden strips that you strike with a mallet. They produce very different sounds and a piano has many more keys than most xylophones.

What is a croquet arch called?

The croquet arch is known as a hoop. The objects used to hit the balls in croquet are called mallets.

What are the things that you hit with a xylophone?

The keys

How is volume in a xylophone changed?

by how hard you hit it

What is the input form of energy of a xylophone?

Kinetic? Because you are moving your hand to hit the xylophone. I thought this would be under Physics.

What musical instrument is hit with hammers?

The Marimba a sort of resonating Xylophone. the Vibraharp is simlar but uses metalllic plates.(which are struck by hand-held mallets) Thye Four-mallet style is the most common, they have a neat jazz sound . Rarely used in C&W, but definitely acoustic. They harmonize well with Steel Guitars and like the"steels, loend themselves well to tonal special effects of an ethereal, detached , or even science-fictional backdrop.l

How does a xylophone make a quiet sound?

Don't hit it as hard, or use a softer mallet.

What animals were used as croquet balls in Alice in wonderland?

Hedgehogs were used as croquet balls in "Alice in Wonderland." The Queen of Hearts used flamingos as mallets to hit the hedgehogs through the croquet wickets.