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bass clef
Bass clef

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Q: What are the staff which F is the fourth line?
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What is the staff were f is on the fourth line?

You are thinking of bass clef.

What is f clef in tagalog?

.F clef - a clef that puts the F below middle C on the fourth line of a staff

What is the musical definition for the bass cleff?

a symbol that indicates the fourth line from the bottom of a staff; representing the pitch of the F below the middle C

How do right D in staff?

The note D is on the second line from the top or the fourth line from the bottom.

How do you build D Major on the Treble Clef?

The D Major triad consists of the notes D F# and A. In root position, the notes would be placed in that order on the staff with D as the bottom note. This would either be in the first space below the staff or on the fourth line of the staff.

Notes that extend above or below the staff use what line?

There are two most commonly used staffs. These are called the treble staff (the higher staff with the swirly, twirly symbol), and the bass staff (the lower staff with a not so swirly symbol). The treble and bass staff have five lines and each. There are four spaces between these lines. The treble staff has names as follows... _____ F(line) E(space) _____ D(line) C(space) _____ B(line) A(space) _____ G(line) F(space) _____ E(line) The bass staff has names as follows... _____ A(line) G(space) _____ F(line) E(space) _____ D(line) C(space) _____ B(line) A(space) _____ G(line) I'm sorry if this looks confusing, but it is hard to show without images.

What clef names the line F when placed on the staff?

Bass clef

What did neumes 4 line staff f c or g clef?

What the answer

What is the bass clef called?

The other designation for the bass clef is the 'F' clef.

Why the bass cleff is also called the f clef?

The base clef is also called the f clef, because if you look at it, the line in between the two dots of the base clef when it is on a staff is the f line.

Why is g-clef and f-clef called clef?

ClefThe sign placed at the beginning of a staff to denote the pitch of one (and hence others) of its lines or spaces. They were first systematically used in 11th-century liturgical manuscripts. Letters denoting F and c were the most common; the gcame increasingly into use in the 15th century. The F and g clefs have come to be known as the 'bass clef' and 'treble clef' respectively, in their normal situations on the fourth line up (for the bass) and the second line up (for the treble); the c clef, according to its placing, may be called the soprano clef (on the bottom line), or moving upwards, the mezzo-soprano, the alto, the tenor and the baritone.Bass ClefA symbol indicating that the fourth line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of F below middle C. Also called F clef.treble clefA symbol indicating that the second line from the bottom of a staff represents the pitch of G above middle C. Also called G clef.NoteThe word "clef" comes from the French word for "key," derived from Middle French.

What are the question about line and staff concept in organization?

line and staff concept concept of line and staff organization