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Q: What are the two Senators that the U.S send to Washington to represent the U.S?
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Who are the two senators that were to represent us in washington dc?

Only states have U.S. Senators.

How many represenatives does Washington state send to Washington D.C.?

i think two or one but it either depends on how many people there is or its just two Washington State sends nine (9) Representatives or Congressmen to Washington, D.C. where they represent the state in the House of Representatives, or "the House." It also sends two (2) Senators who represent the state in the Senate.

Who are the two US senators that represent us in washington dc?

The two US senators who represent you in Washington DC depend on the state you live in. Each state sends two senators to represent them in the United States Senate. You can find out who your senators are by searching for your state's senators or using online resources such as the official website for the United States Senate.

How many senators is texas allowed to send to Washington DC?

All states have two senators. There are 100 senators total in the national Congress.

How many senators does each State Send to . Washington?

Each state sends two senator to Washington

How many does Tennessee send to Washington?

Two Senators and nine members of the US House.

How many senators does each state send to Washington dc?

42 senators from each state. That makes 100 total

Name two senators from Washington DC?

what are the names of the two Washington senators

Name two senators of the Washington state?

The two US Senators representing Washington are Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.

How many senators can north Carolina send to Washington?

EVERY state has exactly twosenators.

How many senators are there in Washington?

there are two

Who are the two us senators currently representing philadelphia?

Senators do not 'represent' a city; they represent the entire State (The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania).