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Cardinals are Fringilids, New World seedeaters, including sparrows, finches, and grosbeaks. The cardinal is actually a grosbeak, related to the blue, rosebreasted, and black headed gosbeaks.

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Q: What birds are in the red cardinal family?
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Related questions

Is a cardinal a hummingbird?

No. Cardinals are big red birds. Hummingbirds are very small birds.

What season for red cardinal birds?

re cardinal birds are usually found in formuchest season which is french for summer and fall.

Is a cardinal a mammal?

The cardinal is a common bird of forests and suburban areas. It is often called redbird, but we have many species that are red, and only the male cardinal is red. The female is gray brown, with some red on wings and tail. The cardinal is a member of the Fringillidae family, new world seed eaters. Source; R.T. Peterson Field Guide To Eastern Birds

What color are cardinal birds?

Males are bright red and females are light brown.

What is the difference between a red bird and a cardinal?

One is red and the other is red

Which birds sing in all seasons?

The tit family, white-breasted nuthatch, cardinal.

Is it legally possible to own red cardinal birds?

No, they are protected by the Migratory Bird Act.

What are some birds from Bermuda?

Kiskakee, Red cardinal, Long tails, cahow, sparrows, herons....

What kind of job do cardinal birds have with their species?

A cardinal bird does not really have a job with its species. They are meant to eat, breed, and raise new generations of cardinal birds.

What is the niche of a cardinal?

Cardinals are finchlike birds, as adults feeding primarily on seeds and insects. Members of the family Fringilidae.

Is there a difference between red bird and cardinal bird?

The Summer Tanager is in the Cardinal family. It is very similar to the more familiar Northern Cardinal but lacks the crest and mask.

Is a red bird a carnivore?

The commonly known red birds like the cardinal, or the tanager are not carnivores, but have been known to eat insects from time to time.