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its a serpent, brass mouthpiece with woodwind like features

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Q: What black tubular instrument was used in Frontier Psychiatrist by the Avalanches?
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What is a tubular musical instrument?


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How is sound produced by tubular bells?

Tubular bells produce by striking to them with a hammer. It can play different notes. Therefore it is a percussion instrument with indefinite pitch.

Is tubular a tuned bells a tuned instrument?

Yes. Each tell is tuned to a specific note.

Who made trumpet notes?

The instrument provides a tubular cavity which tunes the air pulses created by the users lips.

What is periscope means?

a tubular optical instrument containing lenses and mirrors by which an observer obtains an otherwise obstructed field of view.

How does the tubular bell works?

The tubular bell is a percussion instrument, where you hit the very top edge of the tube with a hammer. It's best to strike it at an angle. There is also a pedal to sustain the sound. To produce various notes, the tubes is cut to match the pitch.

What is the main instrument used in a colonoscopy?

Colonoscopy is an endoscopic medical procedure that uses a long, flexible, lighted tubular instrument called a colonoscope to view the rectum and the entire inner lining of the colon (large intestine).

What instrument is also referred to as tubular bells?

Orchestral chimes, additionally known as orchestral bells or tubular bells, are a sequence of tuned brass tubes of extraordinary lengths, suspended inside a body through skinny wire or cord. These tubes are struck with mallets to produce a sound.

What are the three basic process that occur in the nephron?

Filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion

When was Tubular World created?

Tubular World was created in 1994.

What is tubular load?

The total amount of a substance that enters the tubular portion of the nephron each minute is said to be tubular load.