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authentic cadence

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Q: What cadence contains a leading tone resolving to tonic?
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How do you do a supertonic to tonic cadence?

Supertonic - tonic cadence = Chord 2 followed by chord 1. You should only have two notes in the treble of chord 1. Make sure that the bass part and leading note go to the tonic and add the 3rd note of the chord somewhere in the treble.

What is an authentic cadence?

In music, an authentic cadence is one where the dominant chord resolves to the tonic.

What is unusual about the ending of the song in the lovely month of may?

it does not cadence on the tonic

What resolves the tonic in tonal music?

leading tone

What do all imperfect cadences have in common?

A movement from the tonic to the dominant seventh chord.

What is plagal in music?

Plagal cadance is a cadence formed by two chords at the end of a phrase, the subdominant to tonic chords (IV-I)

What tonal music resolves to the tonic.?

leading tone

In tonal music the what resolves to the tonic?

leading tone

In tonal music the leading tone resolves to what?


WHAT resolves the leading tone in tonal music?


What is the difference between tonic water and club soda?

Club soda contains CO2 and, occasionally, sodium salts. Tonic water always contains quinine.

When a songs melody begins in the key of C major it should end in the key of?

The answer to this question is not always simple, however if you want a definite answer, look at the tips below: If you wanted to end on a perfect cadence, you should modulate to a G major chord and then move down to the tonic chord (C major). If you wanted to end on a plagal cadence, you would modulate up a fourth to a F major chord and then resolve on a C major chord. If you wanted to end on am imperfect cadence you simply modulate to the dominant chord (in this case G major) and end there. Finally, if you wanted to end on an interrupted cadence you modulate from the tonic chord (C major) to the relative minor, an A minor chord. So in most cases a song which began in C major should end in the tonic key (C major), however a song in C major can end in G major (an imperfect cadence) or in A minor (an interrupted cadence). Hope this helps.