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A mouse is a primary consumer.

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Q: What category would a mouse fall into on the energy pyramid A primary consumer B primary producer C secondary consumer D tertiary consumer?
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Is a crabeator seal a secondary consumer?

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i think it would be producer, then primary consumer, then secondary consumer, then tertiary consumer.

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producer = grass primary consumer = grasshopper, rabbit secondary consumer = mouse tertiary consumer = snake, kookaburra top predator = eagle

Is a spider a primary consumer a secondary consumer or tertiary consumer?

tertiary consumer Depends on what is for dinner. Salad (vegan) - Primary Consumer Hamburger - Secondary Consumer Lion Steak - Tertiary Consumer Most human will fall in the Secondary Consumer category.

How do you identify the components of a food chain in an ecosystem?

primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer, quaterary consumer.

Is a owl a primary consumer a secondary consumer a tertiary consumer?

Owls are secondary consumers.The producer - the grass and seeds.The primary consumer - the mice that eat the seeds.The secondary consumer - the owl that eats the mice.

Is a owl a primary consumer a secondary consumer or tertiary consumer?

Owls are secondary consumers.The producer - the grass and seeds.The primary consumer - the mice that eat the seeds.The secondary consumer - the owl that eats the mice.

What is the correct order of food chain?

producer<--- primary consumer<--- secondary consumer<--- tirtiary consumer