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Q: What cells in your body don't multiply?
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How is heart cancer caused?

it is caused when you dont eat right and your cells multiply rapidly.

What kind of cell is specially designed to carry gases through the body?

Red blood cells carry air throughout your body.

How does salmonella work on a cellular level?

salmonella makes your cells multiply. dont eat raw meat or you will die

Why do all cells divide?

Cells are limited by size. They cannot grow beyond a certain extent. This is why the cells multiply to form the various organs of the body.

Can dead brain cells multiply?

Dead brain cells can't multiply.

What would happen if you didn't have Animal Cells?

I would disappear. Almost all of my body is animal cells.

What are the main causes of cancer cell formation?

Cells within the body multiply regularly.Some cells grow uncontrollably forming tumors. As the disease progresses, the cancerous cells travel through the blood stream and attack other organs of the body.

What type of cell division do skin cells use to multiply?

Skin cells use mitosis to multiply. Only sex cells use meiosis to multiply.

Does immune system fights and protects the body even against cancer cells?

Yes, your body constantly has cancer cells in your system, your white blood cells should be able to control them so they cannot affect the body, but when the cancer cells multiply and attack faster than the wbc's can control then it becomes a problem.

What invades th body and quickly multiples?

Viruses invade the body and quickly multiplies. Some types of cancer cells also multiply quickly.

What cell has the Golgi bodies?

Most body cells have a golgi body (apparatus) present in them. Cells that perform protein synthesis have them as they can later the protein before it is released from the cell. However cells that have them are eukaryotic cells (Those which have a nucleus present in them) however cells that dont have this in are

How do your cells know what to do?

well, i dont really know but... 1. there are red blood cells 2. there are white blood cells 3. by the way those^ where for the body!