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E Major!

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Q: What chord has 4 sharps?
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What chords do not have sharps?

the basic family chord of C.

Is a minor chord a chord at the very left of the keyboard?

No. A minor chord is a chord played anywhere on the piano mainly using sharps which sounds sad or scary.

What chord has three sharps?

There are a number of chords that contain three sharped notes. If the question was supposed to be about which KEY contains three sharps, then the answer is A major/F# minor.

How many sharps are there in a D?

Assuming you mean a D Major chord, then one: the F sharp.

How many sharps are in the key of A sharp?

A major has 3 sharps, A minor has no sharps or flats.

What is a major chord?

A major chord consists of the root (tonic) note, the third scale degree (mediant) and the fifth note (dominant). In the key of C major - without sharps and flats - the C major chord consists of the notes C, E and G.

How many sharps does e minor have?

E sharp has 3 sharps and 4 double sharps, the sharps are E sharp, A sharp, and B sharp.

How many sharps in an a-sharp?

A♯ minor has the maximum seven sharps, but A♯ major has 10 'sharps', 4 sharps and three *double* sharps, so B-flat major will be preferable with only two flats.

What is the key signature for flats?

4 sharps.

Are there 3 chords in the basic blues chord progression?

Yes.. The (I)=1 Chord. The (IV)=4 Chord. & The (V)=5 Chord.ex. In The Key Of G.{ G Chord, C7 Or (C9) Chord, D7 (D9) Chord.

What is a piano's A flat transfer to a guitar chord?

If you have a capo you can put it on the first fret and play a G chord, or you can play a bar chord on the 4th fret (4-6-6-5-4-4)

What is the key signature for E flat?

4 sharps.