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Q: What color are monkeys hair?
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marmoset monkeys varriy in color

Can sea monkeys grow hair?

no they can't

Why do people have hair on there head?

people have hair on there head becase they are mammals\monkeys

How hairy is a monkey?

Monkeys are hairy for survival reasons. For one, the hair keeps it warm and for two, when a monkey is threatened it can puff up its hair to warn the predator.

What color are your pajamas?

im wearing monkey pajamas! oh yeah! go monkeys! go monkeys! go monkeys!

What color is jonghyun's hair color?

His hair color is blue

Where do howler monkeys get their color?

from chemical reaction

What color is a monkeys lip?

Red or Pink

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Which is correct-- What color are your hair or what color is your hair?

"What colour is your hair?" is correct.