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3 Tuning Forks in a circle is Yamaha.

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Q: What company uses two things that look like tuning forks in a circle?
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What company uses 3 tuning forks as its logo?


Why were tuning forks made?

to tune instuments!!

Does a tuning fork have more harmonics or does a guitar?

Guitar. Tuning forks are a sine wave

Who discover the tuning fork?

Officially, tuning forks were invented in 1711 by John Shore, a British Musician

What 3 objects make the Yamaha symbol?

tuning forks

Do long tuning forks have high or low frequencies?

low! :)

What is it called when you hit one tuning fork and you hold the other tuning fork up close to it and the both of the tuning forks vibrate?

harmonic resonance

What 3 interlocking items does the Yamaha logo comprise of?

Tuning Forks

Looks like a tuning fork for doctors?

The low-pitched tuning fork (C128) is used to test sensation of vibration. Higher pitched tuning forks are used in neurological examinations.

What do you do with the tuning forks on spyro dawn of a dragon?

You have to use Cynders "fear" power, but you have to be quick!

Two tuning forks are struck at the same timeone tuning fork has a frequency of 20 hz while the second tuning fork has a frequency of 226 hz how many beats will result?

11.3 beats

Who discovered the fork?

Officially, Tuning Forks were invented in 1711 by John Shore, a British Musician