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Q: What consumers feed on the bodies of dead organisms?
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Consumers that feed on the bodies of dead organisms?

Consumers that feed on the bodies of dead organisms are called scavengers.

What consumers that feed on the bodies of dead organisms?

decomposers, like maggots.

Consumers that feed on the bodies of dead orginsms?


What is an animal that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms?

Animals which feed on the bodies of dead organisms, or carrion, are known as scavengers.

What are animals that feed of the dead bodies of organisms?

Like a hawk, they eat animals that are already dead. They are called scavengers.

What are the three roles of microscopic organism?

Both microscopic consumers are the main food source for larger consumers. There are also microscopic organisms that feed on the dead organisms of all sizes.

Does all micro-organisms feed on dead organisms only?

no not all micro organisms feed on dead organisms only

Can fungi make their own food?

No, fungi are consumers not producers. They decompose or parasitize other organisms.

Is a carnivore that feeds on the bodies of dead organisms?

No, a carnivore is an animal that eats only meat. Scavengers (hawks, vultures) eat dead animals and organisms like bacteria also feed on dead animals.

Organisms that must feed on other organisms for energy are known as?

Consumers ^_^

Consumers that feed on tissues of dead animals?

consumers that deed on the tissues of dead animals

Consumers that feed upon organism that other organism have killed?

Decomposers breakdown the dead things that no other animal wants and scavengers is organisms that eat dead animals or decaying plants. During transformation bacteria eats the dna and nutrients of other dead bacteria that is floating around.