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They are the tones of the sounds.

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Q: What do notes represent?
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Related questions

What is a group of notes mean?

A group of notes is known as a sentence in music. It may represent a melody if written horizontally. If they are vertical, they may represent harmony.

How would you represent 4 eighth notes as a fraction?

You could represent it as 4/8.

What is Another name for the musical sounds represent by notes?


What are the letters in music called?

The letters in music are called the musical alphabet. The letters represent notes, and there are 12 of them. Natural notes are given the letters A through G. The other notes are in between natural notes and they are called sharps and flats.

What oval shape symbol place on the staff to represent musical sound?


Does the shape of notes represent their pitch?

No. The shape of notes as they are written on sheet music shows you how long the note is played for. The pitch is represented by the position of the note on the stave.

What are some good notes for a wind chime?

I've attached a link to a chime who's notes are the first notes of the hymn "amazing grace". I thought it was a great idea to have a chime tuned to represent a specific and recognizable song.

What are the oval-shaped symbols placed on the staff to represent musical sounds?

Those are called music notes.

A series of five lines and four spaces where the notes are placed?

The answer to this riddle is "sheet music" or any other term for musical notation. The five lines and four spaces represent the lines and spaces on a staff. The notes are notes of music.

What do black keys on a piano look like on the sheet?

On sheet music, black keys represent the sharps and flats of regular notes, and look the same as any other notes you will see, except that the notes will have sharp or flat symbols preceding them.

What does the desk represent in Ender's Game?

a tablet computer that holds students files, notes. Also students do their work on it

What symbols are used to show music?

There are many symbols in music that are used to represent a variety of things. There areStaffsLinesLedger LinesBar LinesDouble Bar LinesBold Bar LinesBracesG Clefs (Treble)C Clef (Alto and Tenor)F Clef (Bass)Neutral ClefOctave ClefTablatureWhole notes/ restsHalf notes/ restsQuarter notes/ restsEighth notes/ restsSixteenth notes/restsThirty Second notes/restsSixty Fourth notes/ restsBeamed notesDotted notesBreath marks..etc...To get an answer you have to be a bit more specific.