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They are all geographic choke points. This means that if any of them are shut down, serious international problems can occur because those straits are important for trade.

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Q: What do the straits of bosphorus and dardanelles and hormuz have in common?
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What are the major straits in Asia?

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There are at least 6 straits in the Middle East. Some of them include the Dardanelles Strait, the Bosporus Strait, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.

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The Strait of Hormuz. And it's the Persian Gulf; Persia is the old name for Iran.

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hormuz strait,strait of gibralter etc. i only know 2 of'em peace out :)

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I believe that is the Strait of Hormuz going into the Gulf of Oman.

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What is also known as Hormuz?

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actually there is a Hormuz Strait but i highly doubt there is a city of it in india. Maybe Egypt?

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Ottoman campaign against Hormuz happened in 1552.