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Q: What do vocal chords look like?
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Do conures have vocal chords?

Conure Parrots do not have vocal chords like a human. Conure Parrots have vocal folds in a structure called the syrinx, not in the laranyx like a humans does.

Which organ vibrates in the throat when you speak?

Vocal Chords?

What do the vocal chords do?

The vocal chords vibrate so that you can talk to people and communicate, even holler when you need help or just feel like it.

When are your vocal chords tensed up?

Your vocal chords are tense during the inhalation

Why don't animals have vocal chords?

Animals DO have vocal chords.

How do vocal chords work?

i think vocal chords work when the flaps of the vocal chords are pushed together to make a noise, then your mouth forms it into words.

What is the scientific word for vocal chords?

I think that the scientific name for vocal chords is LARYNX! If you look really closely at an image of the LARYNX, you'll see that is is surprisingly the vocal chords. I figured this out when I was 8-years-old! This is really simple. Look at an image and you'll see exactly what I am talking about! If you don't get it, keep looking! That is what i did. TTHHNNXX!!!!!

Do you have the same organ that is responsible for sound production like birds and animals?

NO - Not All Creatures On Planet Earth Have "Vocal Chords' - Birds Do NOT Have What Would Be Considered "True" Vocal Chords Like a Homo-Sapien (Human)

What singer had an operation on his vocal chords?

The lead singer of Avenges sevenfold tore is vocal chords and he did need surgery.

How many pairs of vocal chords do you have?

Humans have one pair of vocal folds. They are really not called chords.

When you talk what vibrates in your throat?

Vocal Chords

What do shreiks sound like?

High pitched noises are caused by the tightening of the vocal chords.