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He's the sampler.

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Q: What does Craig from slipknot do?
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Is craig jones married?

Craig Jones from the rock band, Slipknot is married. Craig was originally the guitarist in Slipknot but later became the keyboardist.

Who is Craig Michael Jones?

Craig Michael Jones is 133 from Slipknot. He is the sampler of Slipknot adding sound effects to their music.

Is number five of Slipknot a girl?

All of Slipknot's members have always been male. #5 of Slipknot is Craig Jones, the sampler

What you the job of Craig Jones in slipknot?

He is a sampler. Which controlls sound effects.

Who makes actual slipknot masks?

they all rock; i especially like Shawn crahn and Craig Jones and Sid Wilson.

Why is Craig Jones from slipknot called the silent one?

because he practically never talks in interviews

Is there a keyboard player in slipknot?

Sort of. Craig was labeled as the keyboard player in the older days of slipknot. Currently he is the Sampler/Synth user. These peices of equipment are connected to a keyboard to make his sounds

Who is Craig Jones?

Craig Jones is a member of slipknot and he plays the sampler, he is known as #5 because he is #5 in the band, 133 because his stage name is Craig "133" Jones, The Silent One because he hardly ever talks.

Did the wife of Craig Jones from Slipknot die?

As of August 2014, Craig Morgan's wife has not passed away. He is married to Karen Morgan and the couple have four children together.

Who wrote snuff for slipknot?

Michael Shawn "Clown" Crahan, Chris Fehn, Paul Gray, Craig Jones, Nathan J. Jordison, James Root, Corey Taylor, Mickael Thomson. Everybody in Slipknot wrote it except for Sid Wilson.

What is Craig Jones famous for?

There are several famous men named Craig Jones. One is a an American musician with the band Slipknot, born in 1973. Another is an English motorcycle racer, born in 1985, who died racing in 2008.

What was slipknot's debut album?

Slipknot's debut album was Slipknot, released in 1999.