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It means whoever wrote that didn't know what they are talking about. You can have a 13" viola but violins are refered to in fractions and 1/3 size violin is not made.

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Q: What does a size 13 violin mean?
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On the full-size violin what is the length between the nut and the bridge?

it is about 13 inches.

How long is a 44 violin?

The size of a Violin is measured by the size of the body only. A 4/4 ("Full Size") Violin tends to have a body size of around 14 inches. As violin sizes are non-standardized, this size will vary depending on who made the violin, when it was made and where.

Can someone restring a violin to be a viola?

Well, no because it'll only end up being a violin... and the only difference between a viola and a violin is it's strings and the size of it for the note pitch.... Well the thing is that for people that aren't commfortable with the violin finger board, they usually have a viola, but there is violin strings. Which means that you are playing the violin all thought the body and shape is the viola. So you can use violin strings on a viola.

How do you size your violin?

you suck it

Where does the violin marker go for a 3 forth size violin?

If by violin marker you mean the finger tapes, they go where they go on any other violin. First finger, high second finger, and third finger usually, to make a B, C#, and D on the A string.

Does the word violin mean anything?

Yes, it means "violin."

What size violin for a child?

Many children start on a 1/2 size violin but it all depends on the size of the child. Your local music store should be able to tell you a more exact size

What kind of violin would a 10 year old need?

The violin size depends on the child's size. He/she could have a violin from 1/8 to 1/4, although it would most likely be 1/4.

Is the violin a seventh larger than the viola?

The viola is one-seventh in size of the violin, and the violin is one-fifth higher in pitch.

Where was Andrea Amati when he was making the first violin?

Amati was in Italy when he created the first violin. he was 13 at the time.

How large is a violin?

A violin is probably the length from your middle finger to your elbow, held erect, but it depends on the size.