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Usually when isotopes undergo beta decay they emit an electron, but some isotopes emit a positron instead. This depends on the relative number of neutrons to protons in the isotope which type of beta particle is emitted. An excess of neutrons leads to the emission of an electron, while an excess of protons leads to the emission of a positron.

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Q: What does an isotope release as a beta particle?
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A beta particle is formed in the nucleus of an isotope due to the?

Radioactive decay; beta decay is a type of radioactive decay in which a beta particle (an electron or a positron) is emitted

If Thorium looses a beta particle what element does it become?

An example of beta decay for a thorium isotope: Th-231(beta)Pa-231.

What will an atom of an isotope with a large neutron to proton ratio probably emit?

Beta particle

DO BETA particles cause ionisation?

yes, a BETA particle is an electron. As these leave the isotope, it becomes a positive ion of the substance it began as.

Charged particles that are given off by the nuclei of radioisotopes as they decay are called?

Either an Alpha particle or Beta particle depending on what isotope it comes from

When C6 emits a beta particle what does it become?

When a beta particle is emitted a neutron changes to a proton in the nucleus. Thus the molecule would have one more proton, so would be an isotope of nitrogen.

What element was present at the beginning of the release of a beta particle and an isotope of curium?

The isotopes Cm-249, Cm-251 and Cm-252 are transformed by beta decay in the isotopes Bk-249, Bk-251 and Bk-252.

What element is present at the beginning when you release beta particle from the isotope curium?

The isotopes Cm-249, Cm-251 and Cm-252 are transformed by beta decay in the isotopes Bk-249, Bk-251 and Bk-252.

When a beta particle is emitted does the mass number of the isotope remains unchanged?

With the ejection of a beta particle (electron), there is a minute loss of mass. Electrons have very low mass. The atomic number increases though as a neutron is transformed into a proton. A antineutrino is also ejected. In a similar process, positron emission also called beta decay,- a positron is emitted and a proton is transformed into a neutron, the atomic number decreases. A neutrino is also ejected.

What is a nuclear equation for technetium decay?

The equation for the beta decay of 165Ta is: 73165Ta --> 72165Hf + 10e + ve where the e is a positive beta particle or positron.

What is needed to produce curium-244 and a beta particle?

The isotope curium 244 is obtained by nuclear reactions between plutonium and neutrons. The decay of Cm 244 is by alpha disintegration, not beta.