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Q: What does cuica do in samba music?
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What musical instruments are used for samba music?

pandeiro, cuica, agogô, repique, bumbo - these are percussion instruments. There is a melodical instruments, like cavaquinho and violão. but there is a lot of kind of samba! samba-enredo, samba de raiz, sambão...

What instruments are in the Brazilian samba?

Answer to :what instruments are used to the Brazilian samba- -Surdo - -Chocalho -Agogo -Ganza -Padeiro -Cuica -Caixa

Is Samba a weapon?

no samba isn't a weapon, it is a style of music. no samba isn't a weapon, it is a style of music.

What country did samba music come from?

samba music comes from brazil and parts of africa

Who writes the music for the Samba bands?

Brazilians write or wrote samba music

Where is the origination of samba music?

Samba music originated from Brazil, South America.

Pictures of samba drums?

The names of the most common samba drums are: Surdo, caixa, repinique, tamborim, chocalho, ganza, cuica, agogo, pandeiro. If you want to find out more about them (and to see pics) then follow the link below.

What instruments are in samba music?

The most important instrument in a band is the one that sets pitch. Pitch tends to be set by keyboard, be it piano or the synthesizer of rock bands. But some bands may not have keyboard. A rock band without keyboard sets pitch by its lead guitarist. Its drumplayer sets the secondary and tertiary concerns of rhythm and tempo. A strictly brass band sets pitch by its most important instrument, the trumpet. A strictly military band sets pitch by the oboe. A strictly string band sets pitch by the first violin.

What is the definition of samba?

Samba is a Brazilian dance and music style.

What types of music have been influenced by samba?

True samba is from Rio de Janeiro and some styles are samba enredo, pagode. People outside Brazil tend to call all Brazilian music samba though. Other styles that foreigners call samba include Maracatu, samba reggae, and samba funk.

How are samba instruments made out of?

No samba is not an instrument. It is a style of Brazilian music and dance. Samba is also the name of a computer language.

Where is samba music from?
