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Either they're getting old or they have a disease. I don't know what it's called but look up hamster health.

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Q: What does it mean when a hamster starts getting big dark like sores and losses their hair?
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Can you get a disease from getting to many cold sores?

No you can not.

Can sunburn cause cold sores?

Getting a sun burn doesn't cause a cold sores but it can trigger break outs. The oral herpes virus is what causes cold sores.

Hamster with skin sores?

If your thinking of the skin sores near there Bum well those are actually skin pores. It's kinda like are face... only its on the hamsters back... I hope this is what you were talking about TTFN Sandra Smith

How do you prevent from getting cold sores?

It is difficult to prevent cold sores; if you are infected, lower the stress on your body, such as not getting a cold or the flu, not getting enough sleep, or staying in the sun for long periods of time without applying sunblock.

What would cause your hamster to lose hair on his nose and have sores around his mouth- The only thing I know for sure is that he chews on the bars of his cage pretty much all the time?

Yes, it may be from chewing on the bars but my hamster does that and hasn't got any sores from it. He/she may have injured themselves so the best thing to do is talk to a vet and see if they can help.

Why is it important to avoid wrinkles in the bed linen?

To keep the patient from getting bed sores

How do bedsores develop?

This painful condition usually starts with shiny red skin that quickly blisters and deteriorates into open sores. These sores become a target for bacterial contamination and will often harbor life-threatening infection.

What are the symptom's for dogs getting fleas?

Scratching, sores, biting and licking areas that appear infested.

Does one usually acquire sores in their mouth previously to getting wisdom teeth removed?

They do if their teeth have impacted.

What is a disease caused by not getting enough vitamin C and marked by bleeding gums and open sores?


Will having a dirty cage kill a hamster?

Then your cage and the room it's in gets all smelly and your guinea pigs is walking around getting dirtier every step. They also could get sores on their feet or get "sick" feet. Don't forget to trim your guinea pig's claws also!

Why is my canker sore not going away but getting bigger?

You are probably not caring for it by using something to get rid of canker sores.