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My male friend was talking to his uncle and his uncle said what are you doing he said chilling with my lady for awhile. What does that mean?

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Q: What does it mean when guy call U my lady?
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How d you wake up Lady Gaga?

if u want to know how to wake lady gaga up u have to go get a loud horn a blow it right in her ear then she will be a wake but she will be mad at u but that is how u can wake up lady gaga ur welcome =)

How skinny is Lady Gaga?

why are u asking

What is Lady Gaga afraid of?

that's a stupid question. lady gaga is cool how r u suppose to be scared of her u stupid dog bounce out of here

Is Katy Perry married to Lady Gaga?

are u by freak

How is Lady Gaga's daughter?

i think u might mean maria aragon, witch made a cover of lady gaga's 'born this way' cover witch got her attention. she has acutely met her and sang with her on stage! LUCKY!!

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the lady not supposed to give it to you the guy in green gives it to u when u talk to him.

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that is asking this question, are u a guy or girl? Yes. A lady can jump during her period.

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If a guy mocks u it is when they r making fun of u! they might like u!

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If the guy that asked hoo do u like and he says waters that kinda means he likes u or if that guy asks u hoo u like and he says waterer and u ask the guy out it cud mean that the guy asked u he cud hate the guy u asked out

When a guy asks for your number and doesnt call you yet?

then u have to kinda keep him on the back burner if u know what i mean.. dnt worry everyday if he doesnt call u but dnt completely forget about him, if it is ment to be he'll call u eventually remember guys are slower than girls on these kind of things

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Thee guy wants to express himself in the positive side in order to win your attention because either she has admired you and wants a relationship with you.

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If u mean tsunade then no

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it obviously mean they like u!

What are genuine question a lady should ask a guy?

y r u so fat

Is Lady Gaga have a thing?

u mean a "private thing"?