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Q: What does m in Cm mean in music Minor or Major?
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What does Cm mean on the piano?

Musical notes are named repetitively from A to G with a number of sharps or flats. Music is written in "keys" based on a sequence of notes called a "scale" that are named for the first note in the sequence. A scale can be either "Major" or "Minor" depending on the actual notes in the sequence. Minor scales might be considered to be more "mournful" than the "happier" major scales. C major would be the major scale that starts with a C note (or "written in the key of C"). It would be represented as "C". C minor is the minor scale that starts with C and is distinguished with the lower case "m", hence "Cm".

What is the eccentricity of an ellipse with a major axis of 54 cm and distance between the foci of 36.4 cm?

Dont know the eccentricity , but the minor axis = 39.888 cm (approx)

What is circumference of oval 20 cm X 57 cm?

Minor axis = 20, major axis = 57 Perimeter of ellipse = 128 cms.

What is the semimajor axis of a circle of diameter 24 cm?

The major and minor axes of a circle are the same - either is any diameter. So a semimajor axis is half the diameter which is 12 cm.

How tall is Carmen Minor?

Carmen Minor is 168 cm.

How tall is Caroline Albertine Minor?

Caroline Albertine Minor is 174 cm.

The circumference of C is 30 cm What is the length of the minor arc?

It is 5 cm.

The length of the minor arc is 52 cm What is the circumference of 60?

312 cm

Where is 5.9 cm on the ruler?

It is the ninth minor tick from the 5 cm mark towards the 6 cm mark.

What is the length of DE the minor arc?

6.28 cm.

Why do you use three different versions of the minor scale?

The harmonic minor is used simply for the i-iv-v-i progression Cm - Fm - Gm (7)- Cm The G minor chord is technically a part of the C minor scale. However, the chord does not give the feeling of returning back to the tonic (which is C minor). Now if you play this new progression, you can feel the return to the tonic Cm - Fm - G(7)- Cm This raises the 7th of the scale to B natural, thus making the V chord major, giving us a stronger sense of resolution than the Vm-Im progression does. The melodic minor scale raises both the sixth and seventh degrees of the scale on the way up, creating a stronger pull to the tonic, but lowers them back on the way down, making the descending melody that of the Natural minor scale. This gives you the advantage of several alternate chords in the minor - a major IV and V chord (instead of minor ones) and a IIm chord (instead of a diminished). Using 4 part chords gives you even more alternate chords (ImMaj7, bVII Maj7, etc.) It also makes a smoother transition when modulating to the Tonic-Major key.

How tall is Kenan Music?

Kenan Music is 192 cm.