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mezzoforte = medium loud

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Q: What does mf. in piano means?
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What does p-mf mean in piano?

"p" stands for piano which means quietly."f" stands for forte which means loudly."mf" stands for mezzo forte which means medium loud.Also this means that "p-mf" means you should start quietly and gradually get louder.

What does mf mean in drum notication?

If you're asking what it means in notation not notication, then it means the same as all music notation. It's a basic symbol that goes with others such as f, p, mp, ff etc. Mf stands for mezzo forte (Latin) and it is tells you how loud to play the music at that point. F (forte) means loud, ff means very loud, p (piano)means quiet, pp is very quiet. Get the idea? Well, putting a mezzo in front of the symbols is basically like putting the word quite in front of it. So mf (mezzo forte) is quite loud and mp (mezzo piano) is quitequiet. Basically, mf means quite loud.

What does the 'MF' in 'Mf Doom' stand for?

Mf means to play the music slightly louder than a standard moderate tone. Other tones include: P-play softly F-play loudly Pp-play very softly Ff-play very loudly M-Play in a moderate tone Mp-Play slightly softer than a moderate tone Rarely used is Ppp, telling you to play extremely softly. Means "Mezzo forte" (not quite as loud as forte)

What is a piano mean in music?

Piano is a term that means soft or quiet. It is detonated by an italicized letter p: (p) It is instructions on how to play or sing the music.Two p's together (pp) means pianissimo or very soft.(mp) is mezzo piano or medium soft.It is the opposite of forte which means loud. (f) Fortissimo is very loud (ff) and mezzo forte is medium loud (mf)

What is meaning of Mf?

i think it means your lazy ?

Is mezzo piano less than piano?

no, in order it goes from quietest to loudest : pianissimo (pp) very quiet piano (p) quiet mezzo piano (mp) medium quiet mezzo forte (mf) loud forte (f) very loud

What dose Mezzo Piano mean?

Is is a notation for amplitude in music between Piano and mezzo forte Scale: FFF <--Loud FF F mF mP Mezzo Piano P PP PPP <--Weak

What are dynamics in a music peice and examples?

Dynamics are when music gets louder or quieter. There are several different types of dynamics, going from quietest to loudest they are, Piano (p), Mezzo Piano (mp), Mezzo Forte (mf), Forte (f), Fortissimo (ff). Piano means quiet, mezzo piano means moderately quiet, mezzo forte means moderately loud, forte means loud and fortissimo means very loud. Also there are Crescendo's and Diminuendos(sometimes called Decrescendos). A crescendo is where the music gradually goes from quiet to loud. And a diminuendo is where the music goes from loud to quiet.

When you see an m front of an f or p when playing what does it stand for?

mf- mezzo forte- medium loudmp- mezzo piano- medium soft

What does the 'MF' in 'MF Suspended Ceilings' stand for?

the mf in mf ceiling stands for ,metal furring

What does the Italian musical term pianissimo mean?

It is a dynamic marking, indicating that a passage should be played very quietly.A brief lesson in music dynamic markings:Fortissimo (ff) = Very LoudForte (f) = LoudMezzo-forte (mf) = Medium LoudMezzo-piano (mp) = Medium SoftPiano (p) = SoftPianissimo (pp) = Very Soft

What does mf means in western music?

mezzo forte, or moderately ( 'medium') loud.