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Q: What does the fiddle sound like?
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What sound does a fiddle make?


How the sound of a fiddle is produced?

A fiddle is a stringed instrument. The sound is produced by plucking strings. The pitch is determined with the fret board.

What does a renaissane fiddle look like?

The fiddle or viol had a much more guitar-shaped body and a different shape of soundhole. They also lacked a soundpost, which dramatically altered the sound.

What is the difference between the Irish fiddle and the violin?

physically nothing... They are identical as instruments. However, the playing style is very different, as the classical violinist tends towards a refined, polished sound and the fiddle player a more rustic and direct sound.

What family does the fiddle belong in?

Sound is produced from a fiddle by plucking its strings. Therefore it belongs to the string family. In general practice, this instrument is not used in modern concert orchestra.

Do pickle and fiddle rhyme?

Somewhat; they are not true rhyming words, but when read fluidly, they will sound very similar.

What is someone who plays the fiddle called?

The viola is sometimes called a fiddle although whoever does is inaccurate, because the violin may be considered a fiddle if played in what i like to call "playing in a fiddle fashion. Please note that you can still fiddle on the viola since it is a technique but the viola itself is not called a fiddle.

How is Lidls pronounced in English?

Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .Most people pronounce the Lid as like the lid of something, and then the l, so it rhymes with fiddle. The proper pronunciation is like lie dil .

Whats the Slang name for a violin?


Musical instrument should you hope to be as fit as?

As fit as a fiddle.

To play like a fiddle?

to mix up songs to your own style! faster, folk, bluegrass, I play the fiddle, look up stuff on youtube!

Is there an ancient wind instrument that has something in common with a fiddle?

The instrument you are referring to may be the tromba marina, which is interpreted to mean marine trumpet or Mary's trumpet. This was a sort of fiddle which was played on a single string by touching nodes as the string was bowed. The bridge had two feet, with the string passing over one and the other adjusted to vibrate on the soundboard, causing a sound with a quality much like a trumpet. The instrument typically had sympathetic strings, often made of brass. The result was a fiddle, of sorts, that sounded like a trumpet.